Setting up a limited company need not be complicated. We have streamlined company formation, creating a simple step-by-step online procedure. Use the simple checklist below to help you get ready. Assemble the details that you need to register a company and enjoy the straightforward application process.

Do I need to supply proof of ID?

  • As a company formation agent we must follow “Know Your Customer” (KYC) requirements and obtain our customers’ proof of identity and address.
  • If you are a UK resident and open a limited company, we will use the information from your company order form to check your ID and address. In 90% of cases our customers successfully pass our digital ID checks.
  • If you are not eligible for our digital ID check, or for some reason you do not at first pass our digital ID check, then we will e-mail you a special request that you provide the necessary information and documents. For more information, see our ID requirements.

What information do I need to provide to form my new company?

1. Company Name

The name of your company cannot be the same as, or too similar to, another registered company. You can use our name search tool to check whether a company name is available.

2. Registered Office Address

Your company must have a registered office address in England and Wales, Scotland or Northen Ireland. This is an official address of your company which will be available on the public register. You can purchase this from us.

3. Service Address

Service Address is an official address which will be available on the public register for directors (director’s service address), shareholders, secretaries and PSCs (persons with significant control).

The service address can be different to the registered office and does not have to be in the same country as the registered office. It can be purchased from us.

4. Business Activity

This is shown by choosing an SIC code (Standard Industrial Classification) which describes and classifies business activities. Our online company formation process includes an SIC code search facility. You may wish instead, however, to find your company’s SIC code beforehand by looking at the SIC code list.

5. Details of Director:

You must have at least one director. The following information is needed:

  • Full Name.
  • Date of Birth (must be at least 16 years old).
  • Occupation.
  • Nationality.
  • Residential Address (not on the public register).

Although all limited companies require at least one company director and one shareholder, it is common for one person to perform both roles.

6. Secretary Details (not mandatory)

You do not need to appoint a company secretary, although some companies choose to do so. If you would like to appoint a company secretary, the same details are required as for a director.

7. Shareholder Details:

A limited company must have at least one shareholder. The following information is needed:

  • Full Name.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Residential Address (not on the public register).
  • Nationality.
  • Three Security Details (these act as an online signature):
    – First three letters of mother’s maiden name.
    – First three letters of father’s forename.
    – First three letters of town of birth.

8. PSC (a person with significant control) details:

PSC is a person who meets one or more of the following criteria:
– Holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the shares in the company.
– Holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the voting rights in the company.
– Holds the right to appoint or remove a majority of the directors of the company.
– Has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the company.

Normally a shareholder performs the role of the PSC. The following information is needed:

  • Full Name.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Residential Address (not on the public register).
  • Nationality.
  • Nature of Control (e.g. the person holds more than 25% of the shares or voting rights in a company).

The checklist above provides the required information needed to form a new company. The online process is easy and allows you to complete your company formation in minutes. If you need any help then just get in touch!

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