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Changing your Company Name

£79 + VAT

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You can change the name of your limited company at any time after incorporation. We provide an online service for this.

The change of name should take place within 48 hours of its submission to Companies House, although exactly how long depends upon the Registrar's workload.

Special resolution

A company may change its name by passing a special resolution, either at a general meeting or by a written resolution. If there is another means provided in the company’s articles of association, however, then the company may choose to change its name using that method instead. For most private companies a written resolution is an easier alternative to calling a general meeting.

Link to resolution template: Written Special Resolution for Change of Company Name.

At least 75% of the eligible members of the company must agree to the special resolution to change the company’s registered name before it can be passed. The written resolution can be circulated to the shareholders electronically.

Following the passing of the resolution, the company will need to file the appropriate form with Companies House and pay the relevant fee. Form NM01 is the correct form for a change of name by resolution with no conditional requirements.

What is the process for changing a company name?

We recommend that you check the availability of your new company name via our company name search tool before placing an order. If, however, the company name is submitted but not approved by Companies House then you may resubmit another company name at no additional fee.

As soon as Companies House has accepted the change of name then the new company name is entered on the register in place of the old name and a "Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name" is e-mailed to you. This certificate states both the old and the new company name and the date that the new name came into effect. The company number remains the same.

You will need to update HMRC with your new company name. You will also need to update your bank, customers, suppliers, service providers, relevant authorities and other business contacts. Finally, do not forget to update also your company stationery, signage and website.

Uniwide Formations provide services to file a company name change to the Registrar. It includes the filing fee for Companies House. 

Name Checker

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